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Religious Perspective Of Toys


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  • Andr-Tech

Religious Perspective Of Toys

  1. Capitalism ~ He who dies with the most toys - wins.
  2. Hari Krishna ~ He who plays with the most toys - wins.
  3. Judaism ~ He who buys toys at the lowest price - wins.
  4. Catholicism ~ He who denies himself the most toys - wins.
  5. Branch Davidians - He who dies with the biggest toys - wins.
  6. Anglican ~ They were our toys first.
  7. Greek Orthodox ~ No, they were ours first!
  8. Atheism ~ There is no toy maker.
  9. Polytheism ~ There are many toy makers.
  10. Evolutionism ~ The toys made themselves.
  11. Church of Christ, Science ~ We are the toys.
  12. Communism ~ Everybody gets the same number of toys, and you go straight to hell if we catch you selling yours.
  13. Amish ~ Toys with batteries are surely a sin.
  14. Voodoo ~ Let me borrow that doll for a second.
  15. Seventh Day Adventist ~ He who plays with his toys on Saturday loses.
  16. Baptist ~ Once played, always played.
  17. Jehovah's Witness ~ He who sells the most toys door to door wins.
  18. Existentialism ~ Toys are a figment of your imagination.
  19. Confucianism ~ Once a toy is dipped in water, it is no longer dry.
  20. Non-Denominational ~ We don't care where the toys came from, let's just play with them.
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