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40 Interesting And Amazing Facts About the Eye

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40 Interesting And Amazing Facts About the Eye


  1. You see with your brain, not your eyes. Our eyes function like a camera, capturing light and sending data back to the brain.
  2. You see things upside down - it is your brain which turns the image the right way up. 
  3. The average person blinks approximately 10,512,000 times a year
  4. The eye is the fastest muscle in your body – hence why when something happens quickly, we say ‘in the blink of an eye!’ 
  5. The human eye can function at 100% at any given moment, without needing to rest.
  6. Red-eye in photos is caused by light from the flash bouncing off the capillaries in your eyes.
  7. If the human eye was a digital camera, it would have 576 megapixels.
  8. We have two eyeballs to give us depth perception – comparing two images allows us to determine how far away an object is from us. 
  9. Eyes heal quickly. With proper care, it takes only about 48 hours to repair a minor corneal scratch.
  10. The world’s most common eye colour is brown. 
  11. Even if no one in the past few generations of your family had blue or green eyes, these recessive traits can still appear in later generations.
  12. Blue-eyed people share a common ancestor with every other blue-eyed person in the world. 
  13. In the right conditions and lighting, humans can see the light of a candle from 14 miles away. 
  14. Your eyes start to develop just two weeks after conception. 
  15. Although our nose and ears keep growing throughout our lives, our eyes remain the same size from birth. 
  16. All babies are colour blind at birth. 
  17. Colour blindness is more common in males. 
  18. A newborn baby will cry, but not produce any tears. Babies do not produce tears until they are around six weeks old. 
  19. Newborn babies can see objects about 8-15 inches away most clearly.
  20. The only cells that survive from the time you are born until death are in your eyes.
  21. Eyelashes have an average lifespan of five months. 
  22. It’s impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
  23. Our eyes close automatically to protect us from perceived dangers.
  24. About half of the human brain is dedicated to vision and seeing. 
  25. People generally read 25% slower on screen than on paper. 
  26. Reading in dim lighting does not damage your eyes, but it may tire them out. 
  27. The cornea is the only tissue in the human body that doesn’t contain blood vessels. 
  28. Some people have a fear of eyes; it’s called ommatophobia.
  29. The muscles in the eye are 100 times stronger than they need to be to perform their function. 
  30. Eyes are the second most complex organ after the brain. 
  31. Eyes can process 36,000 pieces of information in a single hour.
  32. In an average life, your eyes will see 24 million different images. 
  33. The human eye only sees three colours: red, blue, and green. All other colours are combination of these. 
  34. The human eye can see 500 shades of grey.
  35. Our eyes have small blind spots where the optic nerve passes through the retina, and our brains use the information from the other eye to fill this gap. 
  36. Our eyes are made up of over 2 million working parts. 
  37. The eye muscles are the most active muscles in the human body.
  38. While a fingerprint has 40 unique characteristics, an iris has 256. This is why retina scans are increasingly being used for security purposes.
  39. Your nose gets runny when you cry as the tears drain into your nasal passages. 
  40. Pirates believed that wearing gold earrings improved their eyesight. 
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