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10 Reasons why Halloween is a strange holiday


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  • Andr-Tech

10 Reasons why Halloween is a strange holiday

  1. You can cross dress without having to come out of the closet.
  2. Americans actually consume a waxy substance known as “candy corn.” (The rest of the year the material is used to manufacture patio candles, hot glue and seals for toilets.)
  3. Wearing a white sheet is politically correct.
  4. Extortion is legal under the guise of “Trick or Treat.” (“Hand over the candy or I’ll toilet paper your house.” You see, this is how protection rackets get started. One day it’s Tootsie Rolls, the next it’s unmarked, non-sequential twenty-dollar bills!)
  5. Children can play with knives and matches. (That’s my theory why kids love to carve jack-o-lanterns and light them.)
  6. The fashion police takes a day off.
  7. After 364 days of spending billions of dollars to look beautiful, America spends another billion to sport warts, long noses, the complexion of a corpse, and teeth only an orthodontist could love.
  8. No one is on a diet!
  9. You can wear a mask and go house to house collecting loot in a pillow case—without spending time serving time.
  10. And, the number one reason Halloween is a strange holiday . . . people celebrate the holiday (which is short for “holy day”) of “All Hallows Evening” (an ancient rite of moral purification before “All Saints Day”) by dressing up as devils, vampires, axe murderers, and other morally challenged characters.
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