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Microsoft Edge now stops audio and video playing automatically when you visit a website.


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Microsoft Edge now stops audio and video playing automatically when you visit a website.


A new ‘Limit’ option allows some videos to be played, but only if you’ve previously visited that site. For instance, if you’re a regular YouTube user, videos on that site will still play without you having to press or click anything.

There are two other settings: ‘Allow’ plays all videos, while ‘Block’ will prevent everything from playing, even if you have visited a site before.

The ‘Limit’ option is new in Edge 92, which was released at the end of July. If you want to switch back to Allow, first check that you’re running Edge 92. Click the top-righticon (three horizontal dots), then Settings at the bottom of the menu. On the left click option into Edge’s address bar ( 1 in our screenshot) – or cut and paste it from www.snipca. com/39034. The result ‘Show block option in autoplay settings’ should be at the top 2. Click the dropdown menu to the right, then select Enabled 3 and click the blue Restart button that appears. When Edge restarts, go back to the ‘Media autoplay’ heading as explained above, and you should see ‘Block’
as an option. ‘About Microsoft Edge’, and it will check for updates. You’ll see the version number in themiddle, under the Edge icon.

If you’re using Edge 92, go back to the menu on the left and click ‘Cookies and site permissions’. Scroll down until you see the ‘Media autoplay’heading. Finally, select Allow
in the dropdown menu.

To activate the ‘Block’ option you need to add it to Settings. First type edge://flags/#edge- autoplay-user-setting-block-option into Edge’s address bar
( 1 in our screenshot) – or cut and paste it from www.snipca. com/39034. The result ‘Show block option in autoplay settings’ should be atthe top (2). Click the dropdown menu to the right, then select Enabled (3) and click the blue Restart button that appears.When Edge restarts, go back to the ‘Media autoplay’ heading as explained above, and you should see ‘Block’ as an option.

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