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Outdoor Blue Light Exposure Could Increase Risk Of Bowel Cancer


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Outdoor Blue Light Exposure Could Increase Risk Of Bowel Cancer


Blue light exposure at night has previously been linked to higher risk of prostate cancer and breast cancer.

The latest study found that high levels of blue light exposure - from the likes of LED street lights and advertisement billboards - is associated with "a increased risk" of bowel cancer.

Researchers led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) looked at medical and epidemiological data of nearly 2,000 adults in Barcelona and Madrid, 660 of whom had bowel cancer.

Individuals with a history of working night shifts were excluded from the study due to its association with causing disruption the body's 24-hour cycle, known as the circadian rhythm, and its links with bowel cancer risk.

Researchers used images taken by astronauts on the International Space Station to calculate the intensity of artificial light at night in the two Spanish cities.

The results found that participants with the highest exposure to blue light had a 60% higher risk of developing bowel cancer than the less-exposed population.

Researchers said no association has yet been found with other types of artificial light.

They added that the most recent study did not focus on indoor artificial light or devices such as tablets and phones which emit blue light.

Commenting on the research, Genevieve Edwards, chief executive of Bowel Cancer UK, highlighted that the study did not consider "behavioural and lifestyle factors" that might increase bowel cancer risk.

She added: "We cannot tell from this study if artificial light directly led to people developing the disease.

"As the researchers acknowledge themselves, this area of work is in its infancy and we'd welcome further studies."

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