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Murphy's Laws of Love


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  • Andr-Tech

Murphy's Laws of Love

  1. All the good ones are taken.
  2. If the person isn't taken, there's a reason. (corr. to 1)
  3. The nicer someone is, the farther away (s)he is from you.
  4. Brains * Beauty * Availability = Constant.
  5. The amount of love someone feels for you is inversely proportional to how much you love them.
  6. Money can't buy love, but it sure gets you a great bargaining position.
  7. The best things in the world are free --- and worth every penny of it.
  8. Every kind action has a not-so-kind reaction.
  9. Nice guys (girls) finish last.
  10. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
  11. Availability is a function of time. The minute you get interested is the minute they find someone else.
  12. Before falling in love do take your backup, it always helps in recovery.
  13. If it seems perfect today, tomorrow it will end.
  14. The difference between love and the common cold is that for the common cold there is a vaccine.
  15. It's always the quiet ones that have the two dozen corpses in their basements.
  16. You don't fall in love, you fall in a hole. The depth of the hole is proportionate to how oblivious you are of the fall.
  17. Being honest with someone will always turn that person into an enemy.
  18. It is better to be looked over than overlooked.
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