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Daniel Goleman - The Art of Meditation


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Daniel Goleman - The Art of Meditation
Narrated by: Daniel Goleman

Learn to quiet your mind and calm your body, ease physical discomfort and strengthen your immune system, and discover new powers of concentration. Acclaimed author Daniel Goleman teaches you to attain these benefits in four distinctly different ways.

You'll learn The Breath Meditation, one of the simplest and most widespread of meditative methods, found in almost every ancient spiritual tradition. You'll learn The Body Scan Meditation, a powerful way to become deeply relaxed by moving your mind throughout your body to soothe and ease your muscles. Then there's The Mindfulness Meditation, a technique to enrich perception and gain direct insights into the inner workings of your mind. Finally, you'll discover The Walking Meditation, an ancient method particularly useful for people who find it difficult to sit still while meditating, or who have trouble maintaining concentration.

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